Donut Club: The Origin
October 31, 2022
Lakeville South is the only highschool in Minnesota, and possibly even the United States, that has a Donut Club at the school. Club advisors Amelia Chelgren, Olivia Kaspari, and Stella Schoenfelder attest that it began just with the intent to eat delicious donuts every Friday before school. But how did it really all begin?
Mr. Arlt holds all of the answers to this question, since he’s the one who truly started it all. “It began when I would buy donuts every Friday and people just kind of started joining in” he states, “it started out with just me, then my brother would grab a few, then his friends, and next thing you know the group just kept on growing and so we made a sign up sheet and made it ‘official’”

Though Donut Club was composed of a smaller group of people for many years prior, in 2021 it was made official by the seniors and this year the number of sign ups nearly doubled. When asked if he was proud of how this club turned out to be, Mr Arlt proudly states “yes”, especially considering that his long running legacy of eating donuts on Fridays was passed down. He is also very happy that he gets to eat his favorite donut, either the boston creme or a chocolate frosted with sprinkles.

So, if you want to actively contribute to history while also eating donuts and making friends, it would make Mr. Arlt very happy. Sign ups are in room A107, and meetings are every Friday before school!