Lakeville South has numerous sports and activities for students to participate in. Some of these activities require more strength than others though. Olympic weightlifting, a popular club sport here at Lakeville South, demonstrates this claim. With their motto, “building champions” they never disappoint in excelling in strength and discipline. I interviewed senior captain Thatcher Enneking and my fellow junior captain Claire Pastotnik to learn more about this activity.
I first asked what the main parts of Olympic weight lifting are. They both described the sport as consisting of the lifts clean and jerk and snatch, but the sport is also so much more than that. There are “many endurance and strength exercises… It is a great sport to prep students for spring [activities],” Claire tells me. Throughout the weight room, there are numerous exercises that can be applied to almost all sports to benefit student athletes. From back squatting to band exercises, Olympic weightlifting participants are always able to get stronger.
But what makes Olympic weight lifting so special? Claire says that olympic weight lifting “isn’t just a sport… it has taught [her] to be patient with others …it has taught [her] to have an outstanding work ethic.” Olympic weightlifting helps to teach students discipline in sports and in daily life. Though olympic weight lifting may seem stressful to some, to Thatcher it is “a break from everyday stresses of life and an opportunity to improve [himself].” Olympic weightlifting has helped to benefit student’s mental health along with physical health. It taught me many valuable life lessons that I hope to carry on after high school.
As the 2024 Olympic weightlifting season comes to a close for most athletes, many students are looking forward to participating in the sport again next year.