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The Student News Site of Lakeville South High School

The Current

The Student News Site of Lakeville South High School

The Current

The Student News Site of Lakeville South High School

The Current

Boys' Volleyball Title Poster

Boys’ Volleyball as a New MSHSL Sanctioned Sport

Ellison McDonald and Alice Yi March 21, 2025

After many years of playing unsanctioned, the 2025 season marks the first year boys' volleyball will be an MSHSL-sanctioned sport. According to the Minnesota Boys High School Volleyball website, the proposal...

The LSHS Ultimate Team poses after a victory on October 5th.

Lakeville South Ultimate Frisbee Fall 2024 Season Recap

Josh Sarych and Rowan Jackson October 16, 2024

With Lakeville South’s Ultimate Frisbee fall season coming to a close, we decided to review it and ask players what they thought about it. The fall season is much more relaxed and less intense than...

The hacker cats developing their lift system (Spencer, Brennan, Luke)

Robotics team going out with a bang

Moss McBrady March 25, 2024

In some sports the name of the game is a team working together to reach each of their own peak physical performance, in FTC (first tech challenge) is the same except its a team of people all working together...

Sarah Banitt and Claire Pastotnik smiling for a picture before the Northfield weightlifting meet.

Sport Spotlight: LSHS Olympic Weightlifting

Sarah Banitt, Writer March 18, 2024

Lakeville South has numerous sports and activities for students to participate in. Some of these activities require more strength than others though. Olympic weightlifting, a popular club sport here at...

2023 Football semi finals

A Conversation with the LSHS Cheerleading Team before the State Tournament

August Timmerman and Elia Giles December 4, 2023

In the week proceeding the 2023 Minnesota State High School League Football semi-finals, there was clear excitement in the air among LSHS students. Many students are aware of the journey our football...

(From Left to Right) Claire Bronson, Brynn O’Neill, Violet Demou, Sofia Honda, and Autumn Schmidt getting rowdy

Students and their Passion for Football: We Run This Beach

Jaden Rust September 12, 2023

The start of a new school year can be both exciting and hectic, as students get back into the swing of their academic lives coming out of a relaxing summer. While kids dial in to their homework and extracurricular...

Ryan Johnson (Junior) springs up for a two point shot

Lakeville South Boys Basketball Home Opener

Jaden Rust December 12, 2022

        The new winter season brings new activities at Lakeville South High School, as the Varsity Boys Basketball team opened up their season with a bang against the Wayzata Trojans last Tuesday,...

Cross Country Wall

A Look Into the Day of the Life of a Cross Country Member

Mady Bergstrom, Staff writer October 27, 2022

         Put yourself there, frigid temperatures, frost on the ground, yet adrenaline keeps you pumping. You're tired, sweating off all the water left inside of you and you’re praying for the...

Players, Coach Talk Boys Volleyball

Players, Coach Talk Boys Volleyball

March 7, 2022

Boys volleyball isn't as popular as the other sports offered at Lakeville South High School. This is because it’s a newly offered sport that hasn’t yet been sponsored, but is still a highly adaptable...

Group photo of the Lakeville South Girls Hockey Team.

Lakeville South Girls Varsity Hockey: Getting 1% Better Every Day

Tori Tschida, Staff Writer January 7, 2022

The LSHS Girls Varsity Hockey Team is off to a great start this season. The Cougars are currently 8 and 1. Despite their loss, the Cougars are undefeated in the South Suburban Conference, putting them...

Lakeville South Winter Sports: perspectives from Hockey, Gymnastics, and Colour Guard

Liz Curtin, Writer April 6, 2021

Back at the start of 2020, no one could have predicted how the year would pan out. Now, a year later we are still facing the consequences of 2020’s events. One of the many things that have been affected...

Image provided by Getty Images

Is Tom Brady the true GOAT of the NFL?

Catherine Lynch February 28, 2021

  If Tom Brady were to have a catchphrase it would be “another one”, coined by DJ Khaled. With his 7th Super Bowl ring won at Super Bowl LV on Sunday, February 7th, Brady holds the most Super...

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